Hear it from the students.

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My entire life, my Spirit has been yearning to know more, to understand these things, and to experience them. Never in my life have I been in a class or group where this was so simple and easy to understand. It all made sense, and the class was just plain enjoyable. Probably the most important thing to me is that it was truly modeled. There was time, and the leaders were patient. They really cared, and they really prayed.
I can’t even describe what a positive and life changing experience this was.I was finally given the right tools to move forward. The mentors were awesome! I have now have an unquenchable desire to spend intimate time with God. I better learned how to hear his voice, and I am following. I have a long way to go, but I have a deep desire to continue. He hears me!
Hearing from God has been difficult for me. But now I’ve had experiences where I actually heard some things for people that just blessed them. I didn’t get those things before and now I am! The lights are coming on. The connections are being made. Oh…that’s what it feels like to have God talk to you. Oh…that’s what it sounds like. I recognize it more. When we prayed for people at the end of class I originally felt like I didn’t have anything to offer and now I can’t wait to start! I’m just grateful beyond words for your class, instruction, examples you give, and practice we do. It’s just what I needed.
I’ve had a hard time trusting that the Lord wants to move in my life. But through this class during times of ministering to others I would speak out words of knowledge and people would be like, ‘Wow, that really affected me.’ And I didn’t know that God was speaking through me. I didn’t know He wanted to.
This class deepened and grew my prayer life. It grew my desire to see, hear, and receive from the Lord. It made me want to spend more time alone with the Lord. I felt excitement like a child waiting in anticipation for Him—the Almighty—to speak to me. It was an awesome feeling!
I only want to walk in this realm, stay in this realm, I want nothing less, and only more. He gave me an unquenchable desire, and a vision for my future although I don’t think I’m walking in it yet. I feel like a toddling toddler at this point, but that’s ok, it’s a good place to be.
I feel much more loved by God, and I feel immensely more in love with him!
The experience that I received by taking this discipleship class will forever change my life. God has shown me that my life is not complete without Him. The future is clear and my path has been changed not only for me and my family but those who God has put before us. I encourage anyone who loves God to take this class.
I would like to share one testimony. We were asked to get into small groups and intercede for anyone that needed prayer. My wife and I began to pray for a lady in our group. She was upset with how she was perceived by her family and didn’t understand why they couldn’t just love her.
At that moment I received a vision of a rose that was tarnished and not watered; then God watered the rose and it became beautiful and was not lacking in anyway. I shared the vision that God gave me. I explained to her this is how God viewed her. When we were walking out of the building, a young girl was passing out pink roses. When the women I prayed for saw the rose; she knew that God was confirming that He loved her. This is just one of the many examples of how I saw God manifest his love for us in this class.
I grew up Pentecostal and believed in these things, but didn’t know how to validate it with Scripture. I feel like God is answering things in my heart I needed to know by coming to this class. I came with my husband too. One day we were in the class and he even saw angels dancing in the room. It was really amazing. It was the first spiritual encounter that he ever had. He was so excited.
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